Ready to reclaim your time and embrace a positive relationship with food and your body?

Nutrition counseling from non-diet,
weight-inclusive dietitians in New York

nutrition counseling ny

Our culture constantly tries to tell us what an 'attractive, healthy' body SHOULD look like.

NY nutrition counseling

The truth is: your body size and shape tell us nothing about your health & ALL bodies are worthy of respect.

Instead of following someone else's rules around how much you 'should' eat or how you 'must' exercise - what if you could tune into what you know you need.

  • You don't need to cut foods out, count calories and overexercise to be 'healthy
  • You don't have to feel shame and guilt for what you eat or your body size
  • You CAN nourish and honor your body in a compassionate way
  • You CAN trust yourself and tune into your inner wisdom

Rediscover freedom and self-confidence by letting go of diets and embracing a better relationship with food and your body

Did you know...

Studies show that 95% of people who go on diets end up regaining any weight loss.

67% of those regain more weight than they started with.

This process of “weight cycling” can be harmful to both physical and mental health.

mendinground ny
nutrition new york
a new way to think about food

Weight-inclusive Nutrition Counseling

Individualized 1:1 sessions

During these online sessions we will be focusing on your relationship with food, movement, and your body image.

Know what to do next

You'll get actions steps to move you towards your goals that align with your values.

The support you need

We aim to provide a safe and supportive space to show up as you are

Meal ideas you'll love

Tips and resources to have balanced and satisfying meals AND enjoy the foods you love

What our clients are saying

nutritionist dietitian new york

I had difficulty with stress eating and a complicated relationship with food and my body.

I consider myself as someone in a larger body and really appreciated the level of acceptance and anti-fatphobic work that were incorporated into our sessions. Jasmine really helped me see the full picture of my wellness and satisfaction in regards to food.

I understand myself and my body better, and overall, feel so much more loving and accepting around food and my body.

New York

Hi, I'm Jasmine

My team and I are here to help you reconnect to your inner wisdom and feel more confident in your here-and-now body. Eating doesn’t have to be complicated or restrictive.

We’ll support you through your intuitive eating journey so you can make peace with food, movement, and your body so you can show up in your life as your most authentic self.

jasmine hormati

What our clients are saying

ny nutritionist

I have become more aware and in touch with myself since working with Jasmine. I understand my eating habits and have challenged thoughts I have about my body. Jasmine has always been very responsive and a great listener.

New York
newyork nutrition

Diets are exhausting and I wanted someone to help me find a different approach to eating and food.

Jasmine helped me learn how to trust myself and my hunger. It's a work in progress, but I'm now able to listen to my internal cues.

Jasmine helped me truly accept that I don't need to follow a prescribed diet or look a certain way to be healthy.

New York

How it works

Schedule your connection call

This is a great way for us to learn more about you and how we can best support you. This is also a chance for you to ask questions about how we work with our clients and the next steps to get started!

Complete the paperwork

Next, you will complete the necessary paperwork for us to start your care. If you are using insurance, then we will need that information as well.

Initial session

During the initial session, we’ll spend 70 minutes getting to know you and your relationship with food, movement, and your body – past and present. You’ll share your goals and what you hope to gain out of our work together.


Ongoing follow-up appointments to further support you during your journey. It takes time to heal your relationship with food and your body. We offer flexible options for follow-up appointments.

Insurances we accept

aetna nutritionist new york
bcbs nutritionist new york
cigna nutritionist ny
united healthcare

What our clients are saying

"I felt supported and validated throughout my work with Jasmine. I liked that she gave me multiple options to try so that I didn't feel stuck in doing things one particular way."

Client, New York

"My work with Jasmine really helped me adopt a more positive outlook with eating. I came from a family where everything was done for me, so I wasn't skilled with feeding myself. Together we found a method that works best for me."

Client, New York

"Jasmine has been amazing in session and accountability outside of sessions. It's like having a little 'Jiminy Cricket' in my head to help me with recovery. I have been giving myself permission to eat and finding pleasure in cooking."

Client, New York

"It was important for me to find a nutritionist that did not have a diet/weight loss approach. It was a priority for me to understand where my eating habits started and how it affects my day to day. Our sessions have been supportive to the point where unlearning certain habits became more of a mindful practice."

Client, New York

"I have taken big steps to accept myself and to stop judging myself for how I look and what I eat. I have enjoyed challenging some of my belief systems and taking big steps towards being healthy. This allows me more freedom to try things out without self-punishment and I can feel my relationship with food and movement shifting for the better. I very much appreciate the educational and non-judgmental outlook that Jasmine brings to the sessions!"


Pricing for sessions

All nutrition counseling sessions are virtual. We accept both private pay and insurance.

Initial Session (70 Minutes)

During our 70-minute initial session, we will do a thorough assessment and talk about your relationship with food and your body – past and present. We’ll also discuss your goals and next steps to help you get there.
One time


Follow-up Sessions (55 Minutes)

In these 55-minute follow-up sessions, we’ll continue diving deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs around food and your body while finding ways to shift in a way that works for you. How often we check-in is flexible.
Per session


Sessions include the following:
  • Worksheets
  • Recommended Tools
  • Secure messaging
  • Coordination of care

Frequently Asked Questions

Given the society we live in and the value it places on body size, we completely understand the desire to want to lose weight.

Studies show that 95% of people who go on diets end up regaining any weight lost; 67% of those regain more weight than they started with. This process of “weight cycling” can be harmful to both physical and mental health. For these reasons, weight loss will not be the goal of our sessions.

We're here to support you and hold space for your desire to lose weight. We'll also help you understand how this fits into your values and goals. All bodies are welcome here.

Intuitive eating is a non-diet approach to food, nutrition, and wellness that encourages you to break free from dieting, heal your relationship with food, and reconnect to your body’s needs. It’s rooted in self-care, self-compassion, and curiosity.

There are the 10 principles intuitive eating that help leaving behind the diet mentality and getting back in touch with your needs and desires.

If you dream for the day that you don’t feel stressed about food or your body, you may benefit from nutrition coaching. We're here to help guide you on your healing journey. Schedule a free Connection Call to get started!

This process looks different for everyone.

The amount of sessions we have depends on the person’s goals, dieting history, current food rules and struggles, readiness to change, support systems in place, etc. Some clients work with us for a few months while others work with us for longer.

The decision to keep meeting will be a shared one and will really depend on what you think is most helpful for you. Dieting and intuitive eating are complete opposites. Dieting is easy to learn upfront, but harder to sustain long-term.

Intuitive eating is harder to learn because you have to unlearn the diet mentality and food rules. It takes a lot of time, introspection, and can be an emotional process.

While it’s hard at first, intuitive eating is something that can become part of your life. One in which you can eat in a way that nourishes you and your body.

We are in-network with Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, and United Healthcare. If you have insurance with another company and have out-of-network benefits, we can provide you a superbill to submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. It’s best to check with your insurance company to find out if you have these benefits. Payment is due at the time of service.

If you plan on using your insurance, download this document and send it your doctor. 

Note: depending on where you live, we may or may not be able to accept your insurance due to state licensure laws.

We work with adults ages 18 years and older.

We can support caregivers with family meal time and other challenges they face when it comes to feeding children.

Ready to get started?

Schedule your free connection call today.

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jasmine mendinground nutrition

mendinground nutrition sits on the traditional and unceded lands of the Lenape people, now called New York, New York. We honor the people who originally stewarded the land and are committed to creating a more equitable world.




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